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August 29, 2011

Sorry. The internet was down the last few days, so I had no opportunity to thank you.

I have no idea what you people did, but seriously, thanks. A few days back I woke up at around 2 pm with a headache and no memory of the night before. Last time I woke up like that I had been drugged and lost a finger, so naturally I panicked a bit.

But… nothing bad happened. There’s just so much stuff here now. An oven was installed. The closet was filled with new clothes. I have a TV now (but some channels are blocked– I think the local ones). I have… just wow.

My only concern was the note on the kitchen table: “Cheat Code Activated: You have seven days to enjoy this”. This happened last Thursday.

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  1. I hope you enjoy it. I also hope she finds you before the cheat code deactivates. Good luck, Derek. I wish you all the best.

  2. I also got you a phonecall with your sister. I don’t know when or how long it would be, but I think both of you would appreciate it.

  3. LatentMoths permalink

    Enjoy all of the amenities while you can. Jester says that after today everything goes back the way it was. I just wanted to give you a heads up.

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